Eco Club

There is paramount need to create a consciousness of environment. It must permeate all ages and all sections of the society beginning with the child, but major responsibility is thought on the shoulders of the teacher as this is the person who is in best position to show the path to the others. So environmental consciousness must be generated at school level and accelerated at its maximum at higher institutions especially in teacher education colleges. The Eco Club of the institution works on the same grounds; with the major aim of spreading awareness regarding different aspects of Environment and creating accountability at individual and group level thereby creating the future safeguards of the environment. The extent of the Environmental damage inflected on environment and its ill effects continuing this degradation need not to be stressed. A Small effort towards combating this situation is given the name Eco-Club.

Eco clubs initiated in India to create awareness among school children; who would adopt the role of future safeguards of the society as well as of the environment. By providing a number of platforms like discussions, interactions with community, debates and many more awareness amongst the students can be created. The Eco Club of Malwa Central College of Education for Women, Ludhiana was established in the year 2007 with the following aims and objectives. VISION OF THE CLUB Eco Club of Malwa Central College of Education envisions Application Based Environmental Education that moulds the students’ into saviour of their physical, mental, emotional and social environment.

The aims and objevtives of the Malwa Eco Club are :

The Red Ribbon Club of Malwa Central College of Education for Women, Ludhiana has rigorously aimed at achieving the Club’s objectives during each Academic session, which are :

  • To enable the pupil teachers to understand environment and environmental problems.
  • o provide opportunity to apply knowledge to solve environmental problems in a real situations.
  • To facilitate pupil teachers participation in decision making in areas related to environment and development.
  • To bring the pupil teacher in the unique position as conduits for awareness to the society at large.
  • To participate actively in the creation and organization of programs that help improve people’s health and quality of life.
  • Work particularly to raise public awareness about the need for everyone to get involved in solving the problems that affect the stability of ecosystem.
  • Publicize any activity that contributes to people’s well-being, the conservation of natural resources and the achievement of sustainable development.
  • Collaborate in the environmental education of younger generation, thus making them true agents of a change in behaviour and attitude towards environment.
  • Increase youths’ access to health care services related to STI / HIV/AIDS/drug use.
  • To motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.
  • To promote ethos of conservation of water by minimizing the misuse of water.
  • To motivate students to imbibe habits and lifestyles for minimum waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing waste to the nearest storage point.
  • To educate students to create awareness amongst public and sanitary workers, so as to stop the indiscriminate burning of waste that causes respiratory diseases.
  • To sensitize the students to minimize the use of plastic bags, not to throw them in public places as they choke drains and sewers, cause water logging and provide breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • To acquaint them with the substitutes of plastics in day to day life.
  • To educate pupil teachers about reuse of waste material and preparation of products out of waste.
  • On the whole, the goals commonly expressed by environmentalists include reduction and cleaning of man-made pollution with future goals of zero pollution, reducing societal consumption of non – renewable fuels, shifting to life style having minimum wastage of resources, development of alternative green, low carbon or renewable energy sources conservation and sustainable use of scarce resources such as water, land and air.

The Eco – Club established in the MCCEW College is determined to achieve these aims and objectives.

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Years Of Expereience


B.Ed. Seats


M.Ed. Seats


Pre Ph.D. (Education Seats)
